4th Jun, 2024 . John Sixtus Ifeanyichukwu Okonkwo
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*Parish Pastoral Council resolutions during the May Meeting* 

1. JDPC- The Parish is embarking on Empowerment scheme- Those who want to grow small scale businesses can access micro loan from Parish JDPC and pay back at a convenient schedule. The form is available at the Parish Office. Meet the JDPC members for more info.

- the JDPC are available and committed to receive complaint of different kinds of conflict, both domestic and communal. They assist parishioners on conflict resolution. Parishioners should approach them for assistance.

2. PASTORAL AND NEW Evangelization. 

a. The Parish will organise one week summer program for our children in August from Tuesday to Friday. The details will come very soon.

The committee has to plan the event with corresponding budget. And submit to the Parish Priest for approval.

b. The committee is to plan, publicize and execute the year of Prayer 2024 and year of Hope 2025 in line with the Archdiocesan guidelines.

c. The committee is to organize competition for our Block Rosary centres in our Parish within the year. Details will come soon 


a. Every first Sunday of the month the Choir will chant the Parish anthem. The Parish Choir is to see to this.

b. Every Parishioner should join and identify with his or her Cultural Association every first Sunday of the month. Various leaders should also attend Laity Council meetings.


a. St. Anselm, the work at the soakaway should continue and the Committee will also plan for the roofing, flooring and plastering of the Church.

b. Parish Centre: There should be installation of the windows at the rear of the gallery.

c. Church of Ascension: We will see to the completion of the convenience under construction as soon as possible. We shall be using direct labour in our projects hence forth.


a. For projects, we have designated 3 different bank accounts for various stations since January 2024, so, we shall continue work at particular station as long as there is fund available in that particular station's account.

b. We shall give update of the money spent carrying out projects in each stations at some intervals. We encourage Parishioners to continue to be generous in supporting the Church financially and otherwise.

c. Catholicpay app has been adopted as an alternative means of fund collections In the Parish. All Parishioners are encouraged to download the app from Google play store and queue into it. Since it's highly beneficial to users not only in the Church.

d. Harvest committee will see to this, to make sure that it becomes effective for harvest programme this year.

e. We shall start 2024 Harvest program in the month of July 2024. We encourage all Parishioners to pull their support behind the Committees.

f. We shall introduce The Pillars of Support (POS) in our Parish as a means of raising funds to attend to our indebtedness. We shall be praying for these individuals at every Sunday Mass, and also honour those who will be committed consistently by the end of the year 


a. We encourage all Parishioners to visit our social media handles and our website Holycrossapo.com to get updates. Please, like, comment and share our posts. We are very open to new ideas and suggestions.

b. We have completed the first phase of our Parish registration, Incase you don't receive sms messages or general message, please visit the Parish office to lay your complain with your membership card. For you to show that you are a parishioner, you must have your membership card. We still have uncollected membership cards in the Parish office. Try and get your own.

c. We shall continue to enhance our bulletin production. We encourage parishioners to place adverts and also patronize the bulletin produced.


a. The Liturgical and Catechetical Committees are merged to be one to be headed by Cat. Paul Ayim.

b. All Service Societies should assign their members to serve at every Mass in the Church both weekdays and Solemnities.

Board of Lectors,

Church warden,

Alter servers,

Choir should take note.

c. Parents should take proper care of their children during Mass. Not allowing their children to be running around during Mass.

d. We shall set up a Committee to start planning for our Galilee Day celebration early enough.


a. Feast day celebration this year will be on Sunday 15th September during 9:00am Mass

b. Cultural groups will present:

- Cultural dance, (not recorded dance)

- cultural fashion parade

- food presentation (traditional and cultural outlook, generosity)

- speaking of local dialect.

c. Mass wedding. There will be Mass wedding during the Feast celebration. All those who are interested should visit the Parish office to register immediately. Leaders of various Communities should encourage their members to make use of this golden opportunity. We all have the obligation to reach out to all those who are yet to receive the sacrament of Matrimony and encourage them to register immediately.


We are committed to salvation of souls and ordered Community led by love.

- _Fr John Sixtus Okonkwo_